
Mighty Mouth Speech Pathology clinicians are registered providers with Medicare. This may enable the client to access part of the fees as a rebate through:

  • Discussing with your GP access to a Medicare rebate for part of the fees (Enhanced Primary Care or Chronic Disease Management Plan)
  • Private health fund insurance - discuss with your private health insurance provider if you have cover for speech pathology sessions (initial session item code 501, 360 ongoing 350)
Support Duration Fee
Initial Consultation Parent consult 25min, assessment 60mins, summary report up to 60mins $550
Initial Consultation Long Parent consult 60min, assessment 60mins, detail report up to 120 mins NB: For NDIS requirements an extra 1 hour at NDIS rates applies $880
If additional time is required for initial consultations above, this is billed as per therapy session fees below
Therapy Session+ Up to 45 mins includes time for clinical notes $180
Therapy Session+ Up to 60 mins includes time for clinical note $220
Report writing Billed pro-rata 60mins therapy fee, min $150 fee From $150
Resource making Billed pro-rata of 60 mins therapy fee, min $150 fee From $150
Formal Assessments Standardised assessments, Billed pro-rata usually requires 2 x 60 min session and 2 hours report writing minimum From $800
Therapy Session external Up to 60 mins incl. up to 15 mins session notes *travel extra $300
Travel Billed pro-rata of 60 mins therapy fee, min $50 fee From $50
Progress Reports* Up to 2 pages $300
NDIS Progress Reports* Billed pro-rata 60mins therapy fee, min fee $150 From $150
Other services/reports* Quoted on a case-by-case basis

+Fee includes the writing of notes for home follow up within the session, extra time is billable

*2 weeks notice required for reports, reports required within the 2 week period will have an extra $100 charge


Breakdown of fees for initial consultations:

Initial consultation $550: For clients who only have speech and orofacial myofunctional and no other presenting concerns. The fee includes:

Parent consult (up to 30 minutes): This initial appointment involves working with the parent, caregiver or client (if an independent adult) to plan an individualised service based on a comprehensive case history. This is an important step before the assessment as it allows us to gain information vital to selecting the most appropriate assessment for your child.

Assessment (up to 60 minutes): This session will involve comprehensive assessment and will be followed by a summary report. We allow up to an hour for assessment sessions.

Summary report (up to 30 minutes): Usually within 1-2 weeks after the assessment, a summary report will be provided, outlining the assessment findings and further action required.

Initial consultation long $880: If the issues are more complex and/or you require more time to discuss them with our clinicians, the Initial Consultation Long allows a 60-minute parent consult as well as a detailed report. The fee includes:

Parent consult (60 minutes): This initial appointment involves working with the parent, caregiver or client (if an independent adult) to plan an individualised service based on a comprehensive case history. This is an important step before the assessment as it allows us to gain information vital to selecting the most appropriate assessment(s).

Assessment (60 minutes):This session will involve comprehensive assessment and will be followed by a detailed report. We allow up to 60 minutes for assessment sessions. At times, additional sessions are required, depending on complexities or compliance which is billed as per the Ongoing Therapy fees schedule.

Detailed report (up to 120 minutes):Usually within 1-2 weeks after the assessment, a detailed report will be provided, outlining the assessment findings and further action required. NB: This is not an NDIS Planning Meeting report.